This is the official website of the department of Ministerial Spouses, caring for all pastor’s wives and kids, and for the elder’s and deacon’s spouses of our sweet islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao.
We are aware that we are a group of privileged pilgrims, HEADING HOME, who have several challenges and responsibilities peculiar to our charge, which the Lord calls us to help out with in favor of His churches and group of believers.
We are pilgrims in leadership, but also pilgrims that every day anew need a fresh anointing of God’s Holy Spirit to give us the positive outlook, a peaceful mind, and a heart full of joy to serve with love, wherever He calls.
We are pilgrims that will support our spouse in his/ her ministry. Pilgrims who every day anew endeavor to seek God’s face to receive fresh spiritual food and encouragement and strength in prayer, so we can have to share with others.
It is a pleasure to share this website with you, hoping that each magazine, each link and each resource may help our brethren grow in their spiritual life, and may the Lord bring harmony and consecration in all congregation and unite us in Him, HEADING HOME!