Each one of us have a task to do for the Master. With God’s help we endeavor to advance every day in Christian character, hoping and taking advantage of every opportunity to do God’s will and work.
With our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will pray every day for the baptism of His Holy Spirit to mold us and form us and use us for the salvation of others also— men, women, and child.
- Be a means of spiritual growth and personal development that allows every leader’s spouse to exercise their role of pastor, elder or deacon’s spouse with joy.
- Be a means to recognize and appreciate the silent work they do on behalf of the church.
- Be a means to share and attend succesfully every restlessness, challenge and expectation that the church has of their ministry alongside the one called by God.
- Be a means to strengthen friendship and support ties with the other colleagues who have the same commitment.
- Be a means to share more and better training that allows each one to work as a team with their spouse.
- Be a means through which they can receive help and orientation to cultivate a close and lasting relationship as married couples.
- Be a means through which the pastor’s kids learn to enjoy the privilege of belonging to a ministerial family consecrated to God’s service.
- Provide opportunity for the pastor’s kids to relate with other pastor’s kids of our Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao field through congresses, campings, spiritual retreats and envolve them also in the vision and mission, so as a mighty army, well trained, determined and joyful we all march ever forward, serving with love, HEADING HOME!